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My app does not block or allow any of the apps I've selected after Tapping Out

Check if you have enabled Screen Time access:
Navigate to Settings > Screen Time > Apps with screen time access: enable Tap Out

I've selected many apps, but some of them are not being blocked

The current maximum of apps that Apple allows you to select is 50. If your really need to block more, the best way is to use a `Block all others' mode. Please do note: this also blocks your websites!

Hopefully this will be updated by Apple soon.

My app closes after the onboarding screen

A few Tap Out users on iOS 16.3 and 16.4 reported the app closing after the onboarding. Upgrading to the latest version solves the issue - but we are working on a solution to support older versions.

My app selection list closes when I tap 'other'

Unfortunately this is a known issue for all screentime apps, that can only be fixed by Apple. We, and all of our peers, hope they will fix it soon.